Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Resolution List Review

Here's my list (Part I and Part II) from January 1, 2010 and an update (in blue) on how I did. I'll post my 2011 list next week.

Part I
  1. Hair–well, I've been growing out my hair and it is definitely long, now. With my last haircut I added back some bangs and I like it a lot better. Just have to keep up with the bangs trimming to keep it nice. Done. Ongoing.
    That's so funny! I got it very long and got through our 30th Anniversary party with it long and done up real fancy. I cut it short about a couple weeks later and I love it! Letting the curls to their thing.

  2. Eyes–I did just get my eyes checked last month and ordered a new pair of every-day glasses–my first in four years.  Done, for at least another two years.

  3. Nose– That smelly nose issue is on-going. Had a CT scan last month, but they didn't see anything. So off to someone else next week. Ongoing but on top of it at the moment.
    Resolved as far as it can be. I have a cyst on my olfactory nerve. I get MRI's every 6 months or so to make sure it's not growing. The smells come and go.

  4.  Face– No, I don't plan on having a face lift! Although I do have the droopy eye-lid thing that Meryl Streep's character had in the movie It's Complicated. (a review of that is coming...) But last year I did attempt to start some new "skin care habits" around cleansers and lotions and such. I think I really saw an improvement there...need to keep it up again. I don't want to be accused of being a cougar to my husband who is OLDER than me. ;)  Renew habit, ongoing.Did very badly on this one. Didn't keep up any routine other than I do use a moisturizer every day and usually a facial scrub in the morning in the shower.

  5. Mouth–I include this here as part of what I put IN my mouth–that is–food. I'd like to get back to eating really well again, planning my meals, shopping for fresh foods twice a week and keeping the grocery bill in check and the fridge clean and clear of science experiments. Gee, it's all connected, isn't it? (See my previous post on my fridge on my business website and a coming post as promised about it this week.)

    Part of my eating well is a simple plan, really–breakfast is two fruits, one protein, one whole grain and plenty of water. Lunch and dinner is one fruit, one veggie, one protein, one whole grain and again plenty of water. Snacks are tough, but a tiny bit of chocolate is in there, as well as veggies and fruits. Maybe throw in some fiber supplements, some vitamins and herbs, too. And of course I am still vegan and nearly wheat-free for most of last year.
    This one is 50/50. Late this year I started seeing a nutritionist and even though some habits are not thoroughly changed, I've made some changes (supplements) and know which ones I want to get back to once the holidays are over.

  6. Neck–Hmm, I'm ok with my neck except for that double chin. But what I notice on my neck is all those skin tags and moles. It's been way too long since my last "mole patrol" (I got that term from an episode of Will and Grace. My doctor actually found a pre-cancerous thingy and removed it.) so I need to schedule another one. I'm with Kaiser now, but the last time I went I saw Dr. Marek Lorenc in Santa Rosa. I admit to having a little crush on him since he reminds me of Armand Assante and has this very quiet manner and precision lightning-quick way with a scalpel. Need to schedule appointment. Did badly here. Just last week I made the appointment with Dr Lorenc for January 2011. Better late than never, right?

  7. Back and hips–Well, the same old issues at this point. I got sick in November and stopped going to all my stretching classes, training sessions and chiro appointments. And my hip is worse than ever and my back is on the edge every day. Get back to that routine of classes and seeing the chiropractor.
    This is not resolved. I did see a couple different chiropractors, used a trainer for awhile, attended stretching/strengthening classes and lately have been doing aquaerobics 2-3x a week. If I keep it up I feel better, but it gets bad pretty quickly if I stop.
  8. General weight issues–Today on New Year's Day, 2010, I weighed in at 157.5 pounds. Yeah, a few have crept back on. If I can hold to #4 (eating well) and #6 (Stretching and self-care) I can start looking at more aggressive exercise to tone up and lose, let's say, 20 pounds? I'd love to be down to that before our trip back East this summer and our 30th Anniversary this summer. Stick to #4 and #6 and have a plan for more exercise.Didn't know I'd be taking such a big hit from Menopause. Ten EXTRA pounds even with all these classes and swimming. Am starting with supplements, and even playing with Kirstie Alley's Organic Liaison website and am tracking my food each day (for a whole 4 days now!)
  9. Feet–I have weak arches and I finally did get new arch supports last year. My feet tend to hold me back if there isn't something else holding me back first (like my hip this last year!). Done.
    Nothing new to report.
  10. General Self-care– I've fallen down on this in the last few months. All of the above, plus those wonderful times when I used to take long hot baths and just relax. Get back to bath habit. Starting tonight?!Not so good here. Really need that bath time and should look at my schedule to make sure I know which evenings can be MINE!

Part II

  1. Get out in nature more.
    (My own advice!) I saw lots of great free walks listed in the SRJC catalog. And take Allie out with me. Would love to get out at least once a week, but twice a month would be a great start. Easy walks, photo outings, picnics, playing at the beach.
    Hmmm, I did really, really badly on this one. Didn't do a single walk from SRJC.

  2. Take some singing lessons.
    Again, the SRJC catalog has a group class that sounds fun and non-threatening. It would mean missing 3 NBOC meetings (plus one for vacation), so I might have to think about resigning for the year.
    I did really, really well on this one! I started the class at the JC, and even though I quit it, I did start with a private teacher before the summer, and am still with her.

  3. Get caught up on my own organizing projects.
    Apparently, 5 years is my maximum for staying organized in this big house. In great need of revamping several areas or move again! (And I am NOT ready to move!) Biggest areas: pantry, office and of course, the garage.
    I'm about 50/50 on this one, which is good for me. I got to the pantry, but it needs better maintenance or a better built-in system. The garage has gone up and down, and my office, well, it's had its good days! My fridge had mostly good days, and even when it got bad, it was fun to get it in shape again.
  4. Get back to being creative.
    I love my digital camera and I bought a really cool printer that can do big art prints.
    Managed to dodge this all year. I came upon a tech brick wall with the limited capacity of my computer. Bought a new computer recently so I will review this for the list next week! I kept taking photos though and even gave myself a whole morning on our Cape Cod trip to just walk around and shoot, and even did a photo-shoot with Allie and Russ.
  5. Ukulele
    Learn a few more songs and keep up my own practicing. I know I'll never be as good as Allie, but I don't have to be!
    Nope, I floundered here. Will update this idea too.
    Can you say "Banjo Ukulele?"

  6. Decide if it's worth it to keep up with all the organizing biz stuff. Or just take that weight off my shoulders and concentrate on my life/health, my daughter and my husband.
    Wow, that's a big one.
    Wow...late last year was really slow business-wise and looking grim. However, the year picked up quickly and 2010 was my best year ever in terms of business. I'm going strong, still involved and have a steady client-base. Whoo-hoo!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Scrappy Episodes


I am watching (albeit I've had a couple glasses of wine) a DVD (The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo) of Scooby Doo. It's one of those made in the "Scrappy Years." Scrappy had been made fun of (seriously) in one of the more recent Scooby Doo live-action/animated movies. Somehow I had missed these Scrappy episodes in my youth.

I'm not sure when it happened, but we have instilled the love of Scooby Doo into our beloved daughter and she bought this DVD of Scooby Doo, the Scrappy Years. (It is NOT titled this way...)

It's the DH's BD (that's "Darling Husband's Birthday" to you unenlightened 50-somethings), and we are having Sandwich/Chips/Movie night since it's Friday. DD (darling daughter) picked the "movie."

These episodes are set in the "Himalayas" which include "Vincent Van Ghoul" (played by Vincent Price--I didn't know he'd had tax problems) and a very Dickensonian-like village (in the Himalayas?--yes, you are getting the idea), and a "flim-flam" kid in a sweatsuit who is very "Artful-Dodger like" and at the same time poor Mexican/Indian begger-kid like. Oh my. Really? The mixed metaphors are making my Kendall-Jackson soaked brain absolutely nuts.

OK , there's even a pair of ghosts that have New York Jewish accents. Straight out of vaudeville or a Three Stooges movie. I kid you not.

I still can't figure out why it's set in the Himalayas. I'm sure a Yeti is going to make an appearance. OMG, I just saw a Nutcracker reference (mouse guards), and now a court scene.

Really, you do not need to have drugs to take a trip--just a couple glasses of wine and watch this DVD and you will experience the most disjointed animated/sci-fi/mystery/ghost story ever told.

You know it's bad when animated characters have apparently refused to be a part of the production. I guess Fred and Velma have higher standards. (Only Scooby, Scrappy, Shaggy and Daphne are in this one.)

I think I'm seeing a party theme here...why not have a Scooby Doo party?! Lots of original Scooby  Doo episodes, one or two of the live-action movies, and then THIS! These episodes will elicit emotion from even the most ardent non-Scooby fans, No formula, mixed metaphors, absent characters, and ...wait for "real" people just creating a hoax while dressed in monster/ghost/ghoul costumes. Insane.

OMG, now a Round Table refererence with Scooby in a Robin Hood costume yet called a "Great Dane" who kissed the princess (Sleeping Beauty) to wake her...

Ok, that's enough...the stories area continuing, yet I am losing steam to write. I may heavily edit this in the morning (or hit "delete"). Read it now while you can....!

(And at some time I MIGHT relate how Scooby Doo...Shaggy, actually... is connected to our three rounds of IVF before Allie joined our family!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

As if I don't have enough to do...I have decided to joint the frenzy and attempt a novel this month. All I know about my story so far is that it is another "Trilogy Cottages Mystery." This time, set in Sebastopol, probably on Florence Avenue. That's it. That's all I've got. I tried thinking about a plot as I got in bed last night and all I did was fall asleep. I don't even have a title yet. I'm  happy to take ideas....but it has to be three words like my first novel....Beadboard, Sea Glass and Driftwood.  OK, that's more than three, but you get the idea, right?

Wish me luck!

Perhaps this house...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Warm flashes, irritations and pounds, oh my!

I was really hoping I'd escape a certain symptom of menopause. Grace, maybe, for having endured nearly 40 years of on-the-floor-wish-I-was-dead-painful periods.

But oh no, proof, that if there is truly a god, it is a HE, because no female deity would have ever come up with a design so intrinsically flawed.

The flashes have started. They are just "warm" still, not really the "hot" flash I witnessed at a conference a few years ago, turning the woman next to me (who only a moment before looked normal and a lot like me), into a sweat-dripping red-hot being fanning herself as if we were sitting under a magnolia tree in Savannah in August instead of an air-conditioned hotel conference room.

Ironic that my first warm flash was at another organizing conference just this past month. Maybe I'd been having them before, but they started quietly, I think, disguised as just making me think my environment was a little too warm. But this time, I was in a room full of women who were all complaining they were cold and needed sweaters. I was the one fanning myself this time, looking around to see if anyone else was uncomfortable in the same manner. No, they were all still shivering. First official hot flash...Saturday, October 9, in Sunnyvale, California. Not a sweat-drencher, just a scalp-warmer.

I was having another flash just before I started this post, which is what prompted me to write.  And, which prompted what is another apparent symptom of menopause...irritation.

Irritation has actually preceded the hot flashes. I find myself irritated quite often...everyone and everything irritates me easily. Yes, I love each member of my family, but each member of my family seems to be able to irritate me in new and uncommon ways. I know it's not really them (well, sort of...), that this is menopause controlling my brain, but it's still there.  Hopefully they will still be there when this is all over and menopause has taken its last hot, irritating hike. Of course, since I hadn't logged into this blog in quite awhile, it wanted me to sign in. Twenty minutes later I got the right combination of e-mail address and password and it graciously let me into my own blog. Thanks.

Oh, and did I mention the weight-gain? As if needing to lose 20 pounds before all this wasn't enough...another 10 has found its way onto my frame when I wasn't looking. (Maybe while I was having a hot flash or being irritated by my loved ones.) I've never been so active (which isn't saying much, but I have been MORE active the last few months), and I don't over-eat (I don't think), but a solid ten has attached itself to me. I'll be seeing a nutritionist this week to see if I can regain some control over this body that has gone on its own roller-coaster ride with the big scary "M" monster at the controls. I'll keep the blog updated on my progress.

(I've started some food changes on my own--trying some fun raw-food blender recipes for soups and smoothies. I'll post my versions of the successful ones on my "It's a Cookbook"  ( blog soon.)

Oohhh...there's another one....I guess I'll save on heating bills the winter, huh?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ukulele Festival September 11-12

Don't miss a chance to see James Hill and the lovely Victoria Vox at the Ukulele Festival in St. Helena in a couple of weeks...

Allie is signed up for some workshops with Victoria Vox on Saturday.

Here's a little taste of my DD and friends from a year ago. Mine is on the left.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is not a-musing

My mom gets Time Magazine and I picked up the mail yesterday. This issue was in the mail. This is a photo of a young woman in Afghanistan who ran away from her abusive in-laws. The Taliban said that was a no-no. So her husband cut off her nose and ears while his brother held her down. They left her to die.

All in the name of religion?

She lived.

She is now in protective custody and will be coming to the US for reconstructive surgery.

This is the beginning of a much longer post which I will finish later. But as I read this article (as I suggest you do), so many thoughts and feelings came to the surface...thoughts and feelings that I've had for a long time, but this picture seemed to solidify them and reinforce my beliefs.

Blog Background change--Pardon the dust...

Background and template issues...please pardon how this looks for awhile. I have no time for learning curves right now, so it's just set to whatever I could figure out on Blogger's NEW design template do-hickey.


Saturday, May 15, 2010


These two are fun to watch and listen too. They are already a hit on YouTube. (I'm a little late to the party.) Do yourself a favor today and watch them. You won't be disappointed!

They are on YouTube, MySpace and iTunes. And their own website:

Tons of songs covered as well as originals. Her eyes are mesmerizing.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vegan Gluten-free bread, Take III

I finally had success with a loaf of gluten-free bread in the breadmaker! Did I think to photograph it? No! I used a Bob's Red Mill package that had all the ingredients in the bag, even the packet of yeast. It rose really nicely and tasted OK. It was fairly dense and a little rubbery compared to bread I'm used to eating. I also realized that I usually eat sourdough bread, which is essentially yeast-free, and I could really smell the yeast in this bread. I also noticed (TMI warning here...) that it seemed to make me gassy. Could it be the yeast? Ironic since gas seems to be one of the main problems that people with gluten-intolerance have.

I enjoyed being able to have toast like a normal person, and even had a veggie burger. I didn't enjoy the gassiness. The price is also about the same as buying a loaf of GF bread in the store--more than $5, so there is no $ savings by making it at home, just freshness.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do your best? Or just DO!

I've written a longer essay on my business blog Organize in Harmony called The Sour Notes of Perfectionism. In it, I relate what I'm learning in my singing class to the perfectionism I see in myself and my clients around organizing issues.

Here I'll distill that thought....

We often hear people say "Just do your best." Well, I've come to realize that I get stuck on the "best" part and can't get to the "do." If I can't do it "right" or whatever I think right is, I don't want it to be seen, heard, read, whatever.

I'd like to change that to "Just do." (I know, it's awfully close to who-know-who's "Just do it" campaign.)

Just do. Do, even if it's imperfect. Do, even if it's not your best. Just do. Just start, just do and go from there.

Find your comfort around being imperfect, about being human, about being normal. (Whatever that is!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Only the nose knows...

So, the official update in my nose is....wait and see.

I had a couple MRI's and they found a "thing" on my olfactory nerve. They think it might be an arachnoid cyst*, but they haven't told me that for sure. And it's very small. (If you go googling these on the internet, you will find really big ones in people's heads.)

They want to do another MRI in a few months and see if there is any change.

That's where we are.

The stinky smell comes and goes. And we will wait and see!

At least it's confirmation that I am not crazy. Well, on second thought, that might not be true. It's only confirmation that I was not imagining a smell! Well, that's not exactly true either, because my brain IS imagining a smell since something is pressing on the nerve and there is not an actual thing in my nose that smells bad.

It might MAKE me crazy....:)

*I was really fascinated when the doc used the term arachnoid cyst. I first imagined a spider-like cyst with all eight of its legs wrapped around my olfactory nerve, clinging on like crazy. But, when I looked up how the term "arachnoid" came to be, it is not describing the shape of the cyst, but it is a cyst that is in the arachnoid membrane of the brain. It is called arachnoid because that membrane looks like a spiderweb.
Arachnoid Mater
Arachnoid Cyst 
Arachnoid Cyst Surgery. Warning! Ick Factor here! But I thought it was really cool how you could see just how "cob-webby" the arachnoid membrane really is.

Friday, January 29, 2010


No, it's not a new Disney movie.

It's the name for that damn smell in my nose. Phantom smell. AKA parosmia. My brain is creating a smell and I also have a reduced sense of smell (hyposmia). (Although thank god I am still greeted by a wonderful aroma as I walk into a Peet's Coffee.)

Read this great article by Jane Andrews and it tells my story–although hers has been going on longer than mine. I could only wish that my smell might sometime change to be pleasant, but not at the risk of it smelling worse than it does now.

"A Pungent Life: The Smells in My Head" from the New York Times.

Also, a fairly easy-to-read medical journal article by Dr. Donald Leopold:

Distortion of Olfactory Perception: Diagnosis and Treatment

I had an MRI today and the only thing it showed was an "assymetry to the olfactory nerve." (OK, the doc didn't specifically say it, but I assume they also found a brain, not straw.)

More tests coming up.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Vegan Gluten-free bread, Take II

I thought this was better, but I guess not! And of course I forgot to take picture before I cut it. This was with the rapid rise yeast. Next time, I will try the recipe and bake it in the oven, not the bread machine and see what happens.Third time's a charm, right?

Friday, January 8, 2010

What is it??

Guess what this is! The answer in a few days...I want to see your guesses...!

What, nobody has a guess???

Answer: It's half a loaf of my first attempt at vegan gluten-free bread in my mom's bread machine. I didn't use rapid-rise yeast, and will try that next since the person who I got the recipe from swears this is a great recipe for vegan gluten free bread made in a bread-machine! I'll post the result when I do that. I found the right yeast at Lucky's tonight, so might attempt it over the weekend. I'll take a photo BEFORE I cut into it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Part II

General things I wish to do this year:
  1. Get out in nature more.
    (My own advice!) I saw lots of great free walks listed in the SRJC catalog. And take Allie out with me. Would love to get out at least once a week, but twice a month would be a great start. Easy walks, photo outings, picnics, playing at the beach.

  2. Take some singing lessons.
    Again, the SRJC catalog has a group class that sounds fun and non-threatening. It would mean missing 3 NBOC meetings (plus one for vacation), so I might have to think about resigning for the year.

  3. Get caught up on my own organizing projects.
    Apparently, 5 years is my maximum for staying organized in this big house. In great need of revamping several areas or move again! (And I am NOT ready to move!) Biggest areas: pantry, office and of course, the garage.
  4. Get back to being creative.
    I love my digital camera and I bought a really cool printer that can do big art prints.

  5. Ukulele
    Learn a few more songs and keep up my own practicing. I know I'll never be as good as Allie, but I don't have to be!

  6. Decide if it's worth it to keep up with all the organizing biz stuff. Or just take that weight off my shoulders and concentrate on my life/health, my daughter and my husband.
    Wow, that's a big one.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day, Part I, Head to Toe

I'm thinking there will be a few different posts about the New coaching teacher, Denslow Brown, asked us which term we liked better "resolutions" or "goals." It got me thinking and I'm still not sure, but I sense there is a George Carlin-like riff in there somewhere on semantics...

In the meantime, here are my thoughts, centered solely on me at the moment...;) This is sort of like a written photo–meant to mark where I am today so I can compare later in the year or at the end of the year to see how far I've come (or not!). It's like what I do with my client. I'll take a photo of the area to organize, because sometimes it's hard to see how far we've come when there's still a ways to go.

Here's my "picture" at least concerning health and body!

Let's start at the top...

  1. Hair–well, I've been growing out my hair and it is definitely long, now. With my last haircut I added back some bangs and I like it a lot better. Just have to keep up with the bangs trimming to keep it nice. Done. Ongoing.

  2. Eyes–I did just get my eyes checked last month and ordered a new pair of every-day glasses–my first in four years.  Done, for at least another two years.

  3. Nose– That smelly nose issue is on-going. Had a CT scan last month, but they didn't see anything. So off to someone else next week. Ongoing but on top of it at the moment.

  4.  Face– No, I don't plan on having a face lift! Although I do have the droopy eye-lid thing that Meryl Streep's character had in the movie It's Complicated. (a review of that is coming...) But last year I did attempt to start some new "skin care habits" around cleansers and lotions and such. I think I really saw an improvement there...need to keep it up again. I don't want to be accused of being a cougar to my husband who is OLDER than me. ;)  Renew habit, ongoing.

  5. Mouth–I include this here as part of what I put IN my mouth–that is–food. I'd like to get back to eating really well again, planning my meals, shopping for fresh foods twice a week and keeping the grocery bill in check and the fridge clean and clear of science experiments. Gee, it's all connected, isn't it? (See my previous post on my fridge on my business website and a coming post as promised about it this week.)

    Part of my eating well is a simple plan, really–breakfast is two fruits, one protein, one whole grain and plenty of water. Lunch and dinner is one fruit, one veggie, one protein, one whole grain and again plenty of water. Snacks are tough, but a tiny bit of chocolate is in there, as well as veggies and fruits. Maybe throw in some fiber supplements, some vitamins and herbs, too. And of course I am still vegan and nearly wheat-free for most of last year.

  6. Neck–Hmm, I'm ok with my neck except for that double chin. But what I notice on my neck is all those skin tags and moles. It's been way too long since my last "mole patrol" (I got that term from an episode of Will and Grace. My doctor actually found a pre-cancerous thingy and removed it.) so I need to schedule another one. I'm with Kaiser now, but the last time I went I saw Dr. Marek Lorenc in Santa Rosa. I admit to having a little crush on him since he reminds me of Armand Assante and has this very quiet manner and precision lightning-quick way with a scalpel. Need to schedule appointment.

  7. Back and hips–Well, the same old issues at this point. I got sick in November and stopped going to all my stretching classes, training sessions and chiro appointments. And my hip is worse than ever and my back is on the edge every day. Get back to that routine of classes and seeing the chiropractor.
  8. General weight issues–Today on New Year's Day, 2010, I weighed in at 157.5 pounds. Yeah, a few have crept back on. If I can hold to #4 (eating well) and #6 (Stretching and self-care) I can start looking at more aggressive exercise to tone up and lose, let's say, 20 pounds? I'd love to be down to that before our trip back East this summer and our 30th Anniversary this summer. Stick to #4 and #6 and have a plan for more exercise.
  9. Feet–I have weak arches and I finally did get new arch supports last year. My feet tend to hold me back if there isn't something else holding me back first (like my hip this last year!). Done.
  10. General Self-care– I've fallen down on this in the last few months. All of the above, plus those wonderful times when I used to take long hot baths and just relax. Get back to bath habit. Starting tonight?!