Friday, February 27, 2009

Stinky Socks and Minty Gum

No, this isn't about my stinky socks...goodness, my feet never stink!

Somebody else had stinky socks yesterday...

This is my plea to fellow humans in the world...

If you know you are going to attend a seminar with a bunch of other folks crammed into a small, ventless room, please take a shower before you go! Or at least the day before. Or sometime during the week before...

A fellow PO (Professional Organizer) and I attended a really great seminar yesterday. It was so popular that there was a waiting list, so every single seat was taken. The morning class was fine, but some people shifted where they were sitting in the afternoon, and someone nearby was a bit ripe. (Hard to pinpoint who without actually going up to someone and doing a sniff test. OK for dogs, but I haven't seen this work without painful repercussions for humans.)

And it wasn't just that "Oh must be one of those Europeans" regular strong body odor. No it was more like stinky socks that got left in the washer and got moldy, then worn for another six days. I don't regularly carry perfume with me, but it would have been a good idea to spritz a little (on me, not them, that is). The second best solution was to chew some gum, at least filling our sinus cavities with cinnamon and mint.

Note to self: Carry gum. Lots of gum. Lots of strong, minty gum! Alas, our gum lost its flavor long before the class was over, and we were out of gum!