Saturday, May 15, 2010


These two are fun to watch and listen too. They are already a hit on YouTube. (I'm a little late to the party.) Do yourself a favor today and watch them. You won't be disappointed!

They are on YouTube, MySpace and iTunes. And their own website:

Tons of songs covered as well as originals. Her eyes are mesmerizing.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vegan Gluten-free bread, Take III

I finally had success with a loaf of gluten-free bread in the breadmaker! Did I think to photograph it? No! I used a Bob's Red Mill package that had all the ingredients in the bag, even the packet of yeast. It rose really nicely and tasted OK. It was fairly dense and a little rubbery compared to bread I'm used to eating. I also realized that I usually eat sourdough bread, which is essentially yeast-free, and I could really smell the yeast in this bread. I also noticed (TMI warning here...) that it seemed to make me gassy. Could it be the yeast? Ironic since gas seems to be one of the main problems that people with gluten-intolerance have.

I enjoyed being able to have toast like a normal person, and even had a veggie burger. I didn't enjoy the gassiness. The price is also about the same as buying a loaf of GF bread in the store--more than $5, so there is no $ savings by making it at home, just freshness.