Sunday, August 9, 2009

House update

Well, the flu side-lined us a bit and we didn't all the stuff we planned done! We did get the "toilet room" painted and it looks great. We started on the bathroom painting, but didn't get too far. But hey, it's a start!

I did discover Rustoleum "hammered metal" spray paint and am in love with it!. I'll post pics later of what I have painted. I started with some simple beige plastic outlet covers. This stuff its cool! Ironically, I have decided to buy (or maybe just spray these white now) white covers for the whole bathroom since white looks so nice against the "Atlantic Grey" (which is really a soft teal). But I will spray paint the brass sconces and towel bars in the room with this so it will match the light fixture--whenever we buy it! Slowly trying to change over the room (house) from brass to satin pewter fixtures.

The kitchen faucet will have to wait!