Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is not a-musing

My mom gets Time Magazine and I picked up the mail yesterday. This issue was in the mail. This is a photo of a young woman in Afghanistan who ran away from her abusive in-laws. The Taliban said that was a no-no. So her husband cut off her nose and ears while his brother held her down. They left her to die.

All in the name of religion?

She lived.

She is now in protective custody and will be coming to the US for reconstructive surgery.

This is the beginning of a much longer post which I will finish later. But as I read this article (as I suggest you do), so many thoughts and feelings came to the surface...thoughts and feelings that I've had for a long time, but this picture seemed to solidify them and reinforce my beliefs.

Blog Background change--Pardon the dust...

Background and template issues...please pardon how this looks for awhile. I have no time for learning curves right now, so it's just set to whatever I could figure out on Blogger's NEW design template do-hickey.
