Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weight update

Well, right before our trip to family camp, I got the invitation.

The 30th Reunion is in only one month....the middle of August.

I have to re-arrange DD's BD party (scheduled for that weekend). If I can plan that far ahead (that date had been settled for months), why couldn't they?? Not sure why it's such a last minute thing.

So family camp didn't help me out any with food--they had plenty of vegan food and it was good. And vegan desserts. And vegan snacks. And I only hiked one day. (Did a lot of reading and a little napping--when the large groups of noisy boys moved away from my cabin, that is...) So, I can't really blame FC, but I can try.

What this all means is I have to go into superdrive for getting some exercise and watching what I eat.

I did start reading a book "The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size" by Julia Cameron and just today bought a "training" DVD. She promises to whip me into shape. OK, good starts.

I've begun my "writing" and did a little shopping to ensure that I had a good cereal for tomorrow's breakfast. And our plums, peaches and blackberries are ripe so I have plenty of fruit. Back to watching every meal and recording it. And finding the time for exercise each day.

I think I hear my tennis racket calling me.....


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